Injury/Diagnosis: Grade 3 (Severe) Traumatic Brain Injury
Date of injury/diagnosis: 6/2013
How they were injured: Car Accident
Start date in the program: 7/3/2019
I was injured while driving alone in my Explorer when the tread spontaneously came off the left rear tire and I lost control of the vehicle. My vehicle flipped and bounced many times between some white concrete construction barriers. I fell into a coma after being saved from the wreckage and I have had to relearn walking, talking, writing, and eating again after being diagnosed with a Grade 3 Traumatic Brain Injury. The Perfect Step’s track record speaks for itself. I have gained so much physical strength and coordination back since attending therapy at The Perfect Step that I can now take slightly unassisted steps while at therapy - an unimaginable improvement from where I started. I love being at TPS and being able to hear other client’s stories. They give me hope and make me very grateful. Interacting with and watching other clients allows me to see that life is not over. I love being at TPS with so many positive and uplifting people.