Injury/Diagnosis: SCI T10-11
Date of injury/diagnosis: 7/22/2021
Start date in the program: 1/6/2021
My name is Carlos Ornelas and on July 22, 2021 my life changed forever. I worked at Disneyland and on my lunch break I drove home to have lunch with my parents. I was stopped at a red light when a car traveling at 80 mph rear ended me. They immediately took me in for a 10 hour surgery for my spinal cord. They determined that I had a spinal cord injury at T10-T11 as well as a fractured humerus. After my accident I found The Perfect Step and have improved my upper body and core strength and overall mobility. I am able to move my legs more, transfer more easily from my wheelchair to the car or my bed. I am able to transfer myself from my wheelchair to the shower. TPS has also helped my self-confidence. I am starting to make plans to return to work soon. I also enrolled to continue with school in March. When I first entered The Perfect Step one of my short term goals was to sleep better. There were nights that I would only sleep 2-3 hours in my bed. Working out at The Perfect Step helps me release some of the stress which was not allowing me to sleep well. Another one of my short term goals was to become more independent. Now, I am able to shower myself, wheel myself around the house, and warm up and serve myself food. Some of the future goals I am setting for myself, and that I know The Perfect Step will help me attain, are to be able to stand and walk again even if it is with the assistance of a walker or cane. This will allow me to return to work sooner and finish my Bachelor’s Degree. Thank you TPS!