Injury/Diagnosis: Viral Encephalitis; Myoclonic Epilepsy
Date of injury/diagnosis: 1/4/2013
Start date in the program: 6/2/2016
Since attending The Perfect Step I’ve been able to better understand my diagnosis and cope with it through the numerous hours I’ve spent with the therapists I’ve worked with and the TPS family. I’ve been able to gain strength back, learn about my limitations and how to be an advocate for myself. I’ve seen the impact in my life through the confidence I’ve gained since I started therapy at TPS. My workout sessions at TPS make me want to strive for success in areas beyond what I would have thought I could do before I started at TPS. It’s helped me learn to cope and change for the better certain things that I didn’t have to deal with before my injury. It’s also helped me find a community of people who understand and have an idea of what it’s like to face similar challenges. All in all, I’ve been positively impacted every time I go in those doors for therapy hours. When I leave and go outside, I have a sense of how to live life with the knowledge of how to deal with circumstances that I would not have had without the amazing service of The Perfect Step.